AS media blog..wish me the best!

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Saturday, 13 February 2010

Thirdly I compared my front page to another outstanding magazine which appears to be a fashion magazine but closely resembles and R & B magazine for it holds an African American (Beyoncé) once again with strong posture the images is prominent and unlike mine affects the rest of the image to be very strong and IN YOUR FACE, and again holds very distinct text which is fairly rounded and seems very different as it quality is seen and no dithering fortunately this is not to my control and also this magazine holds similar and as I should have done all the colours are of the characters complexion and shows the intended emotion for example the background is a texture which shows a form of distress or power all making the main character very dominant; there is only one aspect in which my magazine defeats this magazine and it is that the title can be said not to be visible but fortunately for this magazine it is very well known and so this is not necessarily a problem.

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