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Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Main image

The image at the top was nice on kits own but i felt color was not intense and was rather weak so i strengthened it to make it more vibrant.

While doing this I made sure I was able to regain the brownness of the hair upon my models and there pink cheeks. Secondly I was to add a ribbon which would interlace through the features of my characters showing the tight bond and friendly nature. Showing the closeness these two sisters have. Also I noticed that the pink and blue both of the characters where wearing though showing there different nature as I asked may begin to clash against one another and because my magazine is to target a mixed sex I then made both to be wearing the same shade of blue. Usually when doing this detail is lost but I made sure all was in tact. There where also minor little changes I made such as eye color and as I learned from my school magazine brightly colored eyes are considered rather scary as it seems out of place and for ALL of my characters I added brightly colored eyes but changed them to suit each individual by making it blend with there natural eye color and only intensifying eye detail. It is importance to do this because then the bond between the readers is stronger.

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